In case you have ever had a cloud web hosting account before or you've dealt with any other online service, you are probably aware from your personal experience that for some things it's better to talk to a live person over the phone than to exchange support tickets or emails. In order to find out more about a service before you order it or if something small has to be made, for example, it is really easier and faster to get it done real-time. When you can talk with representatives by phone, it's also very likely that you are using the services of a real website hosting provider, not a reseller. The level of support that you'll get on the phone differs between different suppliers - from common issues to professional tech support. Generally the majority of suppliers offer pre-sales assistance and 1st level phone support, while more complex technical matters are handled via e-mail and / or tickets.

Phone Support in Cloud Web Hosting

We believe that the option to consult with a live consultant is rather important, so we have three support lines around the globe (Australia, USA and UK) and you can reach us on the phone for fourteen hours a day. In case you consider buying one of our cloud web hosting, for instance, you can phone us and find out more about our services prior to ordering in order to be sure that we cover all system requirements for your web sites. After the purchase, you will be able to call us about any sales or billing issues you may have, or receive any type of general or basic tech information that you need. We have tried to find the balance between phone and ticket support, so for entirely technical issues you can use our ticketing system, which will make it easier to monitor the communication and any new developments in the resolution of your issue.