Mailing list members are people that have joined a given mailing list to receive regular emails, including weekly newsletters. In case the mailing list management software program that is used to manage the list permits it, you can also authorize members manually, but in this case such messages may be thought of as being unsolicited and reported as spam by the recipients. Basically, these members can unsubscribe from a mailing list by clicking on a hyperlink in the messages they receive, or you, as the mailing list admin, can delete them manually in case they request this or if you decide that some of the members should not belong to the list anymore. Each member will be able to see only their own email address in the "To" section of the messages they receive, but not the addresses of the other mailing list members.

Mailing List Members in Cloud Web Hosting

If you’ve got a cloud web hosting on our leading-edge cloud hosting platform, you will be able to configure Internet mailing lists and to manage their members without effort. We use a powerful application called Majordomo, which offers loads of options and it’s hardly a surprise that it’s among the most widely used mailing list apps available on the marketplace. Including or deleting a subscriber is rather easy – you’ll simply need to send an email message with a specific word in the message body to, which suggests that you won’t even need to log in to the Hepsia hosting Control Panel. In the very same way, you can also view all present members of any list that you set up. Should you chance upon any difficulties, you can examine the how-to articles that we have added in the Email Manager section of the Control Panel or you can get in touch with our help desk support staff, which is available to you 24/7.